Saturday, June 18, 2011


With less than ten days to go, things are getting tight. I think it's safe to say we're in crunch time. :D haha...

I still have a ton of stuff to do before I leave, including packing up all of my clothes, finishing shopping and picking up everything I need, memorizing my testimony, etc. I have until next Friday to be all packed up because the weekend before I leave I'm attending a gymnastics clinic/camp at our gym. So that will take out about half of each of those days. I also have gymnastics practice every morning (except Wednesdays ;) so I need to be a quick and efficient packer.

Yesterday, we were out shopping for a couple of hours in the afternoon, and we finally found black sweatpants in the right size for the mime costume I was assigned to bring. We checked three or four stores, Target, Kohl's, etc. and they either a.) didn't have black sweatpants (gee, I wonder why? ;P), b.) had them, but they were waaaay too expensive, or c.) they were the wrong size. *sigh* Finally, we went to a discount store and they had a pair. :]

Today, we are going to go out to a couple of places we know of that sell t-shirts for a couple of dollars and pick up some t-shirts there for my mime costume. Hopefully they will have them.

Other than that, I only need a few more things for my trip. :) Insect repellent, a few medications, and some clothes I can ruin.

Your prayers are so important to us on the trip. Right now, you can especially be praying for our health and safety as we are getting ready to leave for our trip. Also, please be praying for energy for us, as most of us will  be quite busy in this next week leading up to our trip. Be praying for God to continue to prepare us, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, as well as preparing the people there. Pray that God would open their hearts and minds to the Good News we are about to bring them.

Thanks again for all of your support. :]