Saturday, June 11, 2011


Last night, I picked up my suitcase from my lovely Aunt and Uncle, who are letting me borrow one of theirs for the trip. <3 This afternoon, I filled it up with all the stuff I've collected so far from our four-page packing list. I don't have a ton of stuff left to get... I have to get a new pair of good tennis shoes, gloves, paint brushes, insect repellant, my costume, a bunch of makeup stuff (for the drama), some medications that are left on the list, and a few other random things. And of course, I have to stuff two weeks worth of clothes into my suitcase as well. :)

Luggage, luggage, everywhere! :]

I already put a ton of stuff in my suitcase.

                                               So excited!!! :D Only 16 days left! :]


  1. So cool!! My suitcase is about the same size. :) And by the way, I love your pj pants in that last pic. They are so cute! :)

  2. Awesome! Mine is right under the size limit, so hopefully, I won't have a problem keeping it under the weight limit. ;)
    Thanks!! :D
