Saturday, April 30, 2011

Please be praying!

This isn't exactly good news.

Yesterday, a volcano erupted in Ecuador, in Banos, a city 81 miles southeast of Quito. This volcano, Tungurahua Volcano, is one of eight active volcanoes in Ecuador. This will not stop us. We are still going. God has a plan.

Please be praying for all of the people that had to evacuate because of this, and please be praying for my sponsored child Erika.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I haven't updated in a bit... I've just been trying to get some stuff finalized..... fundraising, meeting my child, passport info, flight schedules... the list goes on. I am getting super excited, not like I wasn't already. :]

I'm all signed up to meet my sponsored child while I'm in Ecuador. I am so so so happy and excited that I get to meet Erika!!!
I (think) that I finished getting shots to go..... might have to go back and get one more. :\ *sigh*
Everything has been going pretty well.
We found out what hotel we'll be staying in. :] I'll post more about that later.
Also today, we got our packing list!!! Yes, it was quite long (4 pages!) and I sat there thinking, "Hmm, I wonder how I'm gonna fit all that in my suitcase?" :D haha...

Please keep praying for the people of Ecuador; for everyones fundraising; for us, as we prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to go on this trip. Keep Erika (my sponsored child) in your prayers too, if you would. :] Pray that we'll get everything finalized and finished smoothly and without too much trouble. :)

Thank you for all your support! <3

Love you all!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Some facts about Ecuador!!!!!

The weather in Quito is mild, having a spring-like climate all year long. :] We'll be there in July which is part of it's dry season. The temperatures in July are usually between 50 and 70 degrees.

Ecuadorian cuisine sounds delicious! :D It varies depending on where you are, but most regions follow their typical 3-course meal, consisting of soup as the first dish, some sort of rice and a protein (e.g. meat,fish,poultry) as the second dish, and dessert and coffee as the third dish. In the Highland Region (which is where Quito is located) pork, chicken, beef and cuy (guinea pig) are very popular and are often served with a variety of grains (e.g. rice, corn, potatoes).

I will post more stuff, and some pictures later.

86 days to go!!!! :]