Well, I honestly didn't think it would come so fast. Everything was fine, time was moving along, and it seems that these last two, three weeks, just zoomed by in fast forward. I remember thinking back at 50 days, 100 days, even 150 days, and thinking about how close we were getting. Now, it's like, Wow. This is for real. We just have this one weekend, and then we're off. The reality of this is actually starting to set in for me now, I think. I've just been like, Wow. It's time. It's really here.
Not that I'm not excited. :) I'm am SO excited I don't really even have words for it. Every ounce of me is itching with anticipation for what God has in store for us on this trip. I just know that He's going to do amazing things, and I can't wait to see that. :D I am soooooooooo excited. :]
As for prepping, everything has been going smoothly since my last post. Our days have been busy but loads of fun. We've made a couple of last minute shopping runs, to get makeup and a few other things. Yesterday, we stopped at Target to get the last five things that I needed. :) (I finally found insect repellent, whoohoo! :P)
We also finally found a new swimsuit for me to bring. We looked at three or four places and found nothing, but we finally found one at a Sporting Goods store. :)
As for packing, I have been packing off and on since Wednesday. I have "packed", unpacked and added things, then re-packed, at least two or three times already. ;) Last night, I realized I didn't have enough clothes to pack, so I had to wait for more laundry to be done before I could finish packing. This morning, Mom and I are going to go through the checklist one more time, and pack everything up, so my suitcase will be ready. I won't have much time to pack this afternoon or tomorrow, so I need to be done with everything today. :)
As soon as I finish packing, I'll be completely ready to go. We so need all the prayers we can get and we appreciate them so so much. Right now, we still need you to pray for most of what I have been posting. :) Please, please pray for health right now, as we want everyone to be feeling their best. I know a lot of people who have been sick, and most of them are getting over it, or are all better now, and that is a huge praise. Thank you so much for praying for us, and please continue to pray for us to be healthy and energized. With long travel days, all the excitement, drama training and such, it will be easy to become tired and drained of energy. Your prayers for those two things are greatly appreciated.
The other major prayer request we have right now is for safety during all of our travels. Many of our leaders are either already there, or flying out today, so pray for their safety this weekend. Most of us are flying out early Monday morning. Some of us that live in Canada, Alaska, England, etc, are flying out Sunday, so pray for us too, that our flights would go smoothly and everything would work according to plan.
And of course, be praying that God would use us. Pray that he opens the heart of the Ecuadorians we will be ministering to to hear the Gospel, and pray that he would use us to change lives. Pray that he would still be preparing our hearts to what he wants to show us during the trip, and pray that he would change us as well.
Thank you again so so much for all of your prayers and support. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us on the trip. I will try to update this blog when I can, and keep you up to date with what's happening, and how you can be praying for us.
Love you all! ♥